Tag Archives: 2014 AtoZChallenge

‘Celtic Zodiac’ #AtoZChallenge

The wolf and the swan, of these two a union made. I am the wolf, I grant no quarter; allow none between myself and mine own. You are the swan, your grace sees beyond an impertinent nature; it finds beauty where there is none to be seen. Ferocious and loyal, you find fault in my tenacity yet respect its essence. Gentle and enlightened, I find frustration in your nobility, wish to cast away this shackle and free your spirit. You long to gentle me to your passive ways; I will myself to fight all the more – not against you, but to stand guard before you. You see with clarity, with judgment, with a cool aloofness my feral devotion does not allow; not because I lack honor or dignity, but because I will not lay down the bone. My intent strong, I will not allow you to steal the meaning behind my action; your intent not to steal but to soothe, you will not be swayed by my aggression. You are my lover, passionate to a fault, yet I see no fault in you. I am fearless and brave; I will chase the ills of the world from your sight, though you would ‘oft demand I not. This hound no longer lone; this swan now free to float on waves of inspiration.

At odds this pairing, perfectly in order – the order of chaos, the perfection of discord; happiness found in restriction, a mate for the soul.

© Copyright 2014 Nina D’Arcangela. All Rights Reserved.

Welcome to my April AtoZ Blog Challenge post! I hope you enjoyed my ramble, and come back for more! Don’t forget to visit the other bloggers participating by clicking on the badge to the right, or simply using this link. :}

‘Your Wants’ #AtoZChallenge

Adult Sexual Content
18+ Only!



Gentling me onto my back, your lips trace my thighs, the curve of my hips, the dip of my waist; kissing, licking, suckling – tenderly roaming. Your mouth teases its way across my trembling stomach to the valley between my breasts. Tasting each in turn, you dare a nip; a groan escapes me. Your eyes flick to mine; eager. Smoldering encouragement reflects back. You bite deeper, I gasp, moan louder in exquisite pleasure as my body arches closer to yours. Lowering your full length onto mine, your lips continue to trace unending ecstasy over my flesh as your legs force mine apart. You lift one of my knees into the air. Caressing my body with your own, you begin to slide yourself between my soft folds. Pressing my shoulders to the cushion of the bed, you let your hands drift through the silky cloud of my hair, stroke my face, grasp my wrists and pin them above my head when I try to return the subtle gestures; my entire body shudders with desire as you slowly move further within me. Your mouth finds my throat. My head arcs back, you nuzzle it to one side; my eyes close, my lips part in a lusty ragged sigh. You encase the tender side of my neck with the warmth of your mouth, sucking deeply as you press yourself fully inside me – this time I cry out as pleasure rips through my body. You whisper a warning to keep my hands in place as you release them to kneel; I obey. My heart beats in wild rhythm as your hands roam, your eyes search, your body plunges repeatedly into mine. I try to move my hips in concert with yours; you still, shake your head no. There is a moment of silence. You lean forward, our lips meet in a tender kiss. The play becomes less gentle, the pace growing more frantic, I lie prone; willing to serve as slave to your wants and desires.

© Copyright 2014 Nina D’Arcangela. All Rights Reserved.


Welcome to my April AtoZ Blog Challenge post! I hope you enjoyed my ramble, and come back for more! Don’t forget to visit the other bloggers participating by clicking on the badge to the right, or simply using this link. :}

‘Xiphoid’ #AtoZChallenge

Plunging the blade deep into the abdominal cavity, I drive it upward until I hit the xiphoid. Twisting slightly to my right, I skirt the sternum and slice through the costal cartilage attaching the ribs to the breast plate. Careful not to puncture the internal organs, I stop my upward motion at the manubrium. Drawing the sharpened metal along the topside of the upper-most rib, I listen to the harsh breathing. Returning to the original point of entry, I pause, then again thrust into and through the abdominal wall, swiftly separating the flesh and muscle from the body’s left side.

Laying the knife on the tray, I reach down and peel the cavity open with a great deal of force. A slight groan escapes amongst the pops and rending sounds as the connective tissue still in place rips away to reveal the fluttering heart. A marvelous thing the human body, a machine designed by the hand of a master; a fragile balance struck with a sadistic keeper.

© Copyright 2014 Nina D’Arcangela. All Rights Reserved.

Welcome to my April AtoZ Blog Challenge post! I hope you enjoyed my ramble, and come back for more! Don’t forget to visit the other bloggers participating by clicking on the badge to the right, or simply using this link. :}

‘Water’ #AtoZChallenge

You don’t know me; I’m something you’ve never seen before. You dare glance my way; enjoy the view from head to tail? Perhaps I should show you my tail, then you’d realize what little chance you have of escape. You think I have pretty eyes; crystalline and glistening – different hues of blue and green with a hint of amber shimmering in the sunlight? Should nature divine such a thing of its own? Your instincts tell you nay, but you engage none the less. Does their shifting tint lure you, are you enamored by the sparkle that holds your stare? Perhaps for you, it’s my hair; long, luxurious, the color of midnight gently twisting in the breeze. The kind of hair every man dreams his girl will have after he’s done fucking her; affirmation of a job well done. You think I wear it this way by choice? It’s not hair; it’s a brand, me the creature it was seared upon. I can no more shed it than water can choose to flow uphill. You’re reaching for it now, look at you; pathetic. Let me guess your thoughts: if only I could run my fingers though it just this once… It’s not your thought, it’s mine, placed in your head the moment I noticed you. You make me sick, the lot of you. Such easy pickings; such an eager feast laid before my kind.


© Copyright 2014 Nina D’Arcangela. All Rights Reserved.

Welcome to my April AtoZ Blog Challenge post! I hope you enjoyed my ramble, and come back for more! Don’t forget to visit the other bloggers participating by clicking on the badge to the right, or simply using this link. :}

‘Violation’ #AtoZChallenge

Warning: This post contains


“Hey, you! Yeah, you! You’re supposed to be wearing a hardhat out here! What the hell’s the matter with you?” he yelled through the louvered window of the trailer. Christ, seventeen weeks on the job and you’d think I could get these idiots to remember something other than lunchtime. The bastard didn’t even acknowledge him. Enraged, the manager stormed out of the trailer.

The leathery faced man looked up, nodded and waved as he continued to lace his boot.

“Hey, asshole, I’m talking to you. Put your goddamned hardhat on!” I’m working with a bunch of fucking dumbasses out here.

As he slipped the straps of his overalls onto his shoulders, the leathery faced man stretched his muscles.

What the fuck have we got here, some sort of prima donna? “I told you to put that goddamned hat on your fucking head! Now either do it, or get your fucking ass off my worksite!”

The leathery faced man turned and squinted, he hooked a thumb in the waist of his pants, and took a closer look at the manager.

“Am I talking to the deaf, or are you just fucking stupid!” Jeee-zus, do they even interview these morons before they hire them?

The leathery faced man picked up his hardhat, ran a hand through his hair, and put it on. Draping an inside-out jacket over his shoulder, he picked up something else from the bed of the truck and walked up to the trailer.

“What are you, some sort of fucking mute? Think you’re ‘big shit’ driving a fancy pickup truck and ignoring the one guy out here who can fire your ass?” This deutsche bag must really be stupid the way he’s… oh, fuck!

Shrugging into his yellow jacket, the leathery face man reached out and took a sign off the front of the trailer. He hung a new one in its place. In a voice far quieter than expected, he answered, “No sir, I am neither deaf, stupid or mute. Nor do I consider myself to be a ‘big shit’ anywhere I go.” He glanced down at the managers running shoes. “What I do consider myself to be is the OSHA inspector assigned to visit this worksite today.”

The leathery faced man passed the manager a clipboard and instructed him to sign in several places. With a shake of his head, and a ‘maybe-you’re-the-idiot’ smile, he handed the manager a carbon copy of the form. After pointedly adjusting his hardhat, the leathery faced man glanced at the new sign and casually walked back to his truck.

The manager flung his hardhat to the ground; he looked down at the non-regulation shoes he’d rushed out of the trailer wearing in his fit of rage, and reread the notice revoking the site permit before he glanced at the sign again.


Safety violation noted:
Non-regulation footwear

© Copyright 2014 Nina D’Arcangela. All Rights Reserved.

Welcome to my April AtoZ Blog Challenge post! I hope you enjoyed my ramble, and come back for more! Don’t forget to visit the other bloggers participating by clicking on the badge to the right, or simply using this link. :}

‘Under’ #AtoZChallenge

Under a bright blue summer sky, I lie back in the grass and smile up at the sun. I feel the warmth of its kiss upon my cheeks and imagine it smiling back at me. I close my eyes, let my head drift to the side while feathery pieces of hair tickle my face, and I listen.

I hear life’s heartbeat. I hear the birds calling out to one another in their sublime chitter-chatter. I hear leaves dancing upon the breeze as each bow sways. I eavesdrop as the grass whispers its subtle secrets, feel the vibrancy nurturing each blade. I sense the fluttering of a dragonfly as it zips to and fro. Dragonflies always find me; they come to murmur their hello. I smell earthy soil, the heat only a summer’s day can bring, I smell happiness. The scent of youth and joy, love found and lost, only to be found yet again. I remember days gone by, ones in which I would run freely through a field and laugh, only to be captured, held, kissed, cherished. I lie upon the warm blanket of green and experience so much.

Some may say this is a waste of time, so call me a fool, but know – this is time. Life offers her abundance to us all; we’ve only to open our eyes, our ears, our hearts, and our souls to absorb it. I choose to cherish life and offer my abundance in return.

© Copyright 2014 Nina D’Arcangela. All Rights Reserved.

Welcome to my April AtoZ Blog Challenge post! I hope you enjoyed my ramble, and come back for more! Don’t forget to visit the other bloggers participating by clicking on the badge to the right, or simply using this link. :}

‘Twang’ #AtoZChallenge

There was an audible twang. Turning back, he wrinkled his brow in disgust. Four! Four perfectly placed stitches had torn loose so far. He was baffled and more than a bit annoyed. Peering at the remainder of the skein, he examined it for defects; it looked perfectly fine. He wrapped a short length around his fingers and gave a hard tug. He received nothing but resistance for his effort. A bit perplexed, his fingers slipped between her lips to remove the defective stitch; he inspected it thoroughly with a loop before discarding it with the others.

Making his way to the old apothecary cabinet his grandfather had used many years ago, he opened each draw until he finally found what he was looking for. Cat gut! Sometimes the old fashioned way was the only way. Threading the much thicker needle with the coarse sinew, he again finished the sutures. He stood and stared in consternation for a good ten minutes willing them to stay fast yet daring them to break free. Finally satisfied, he turned to reach for the clay and began the final stages of reconstruction.

Two hours later, after finishing the cosmetic details, he gazed down upon the face he had just rebuilt and was pleased with his efforts. He’d done a fine job of covering the blemishes and abused areas. She looked peaceful, but the sedative would soon wear off. After a brief wait, a slight murmur reached his ears; one eye began to tear open. As his grandfather used to say, ‘death was just around the corner, one had to always be prepared,’ though he doubted his grandfather had meant it in quite the same way.

With a deep sigh, he inserted a trocar into her femoral vein to drain the body, then moved to insert another into her brachial artery to introduce the embalming fluid. The art of embalming was one so few had the opportunity to appreciate. Apparently, she was not in an appreciative mood.

© Copyright 2014 Nina D’Arcangela. All Rights Reserved.

Welcome to my April AtoZ Blog Challenge post! I hope you enjoyed my ramble, and come back for more! Don’t forget to visit the other bloggers participating by clicking on the badge to the right, or simply using this link. :}

‘Sting’ #AtoZChallenge

A brief but brutal spasm of pain shoots through her head followed by the gut wrenching memory of the last seeing. It draws her to her knees. The peace and serenity of the past now forever tainted. A flash through time, her mind reels; his eyes peer back into hers, the chalice is thrown, the fluid within betrays her trust. A warning forgotten, perhaps dismissed, arrogance assures her safety in this hallowed realm. Never has she been so wrong.

As she watches, the assailant approaches his target in the dark abandoned lot. A struggle ensues, but ends in a mere blink; the violence feeds her hunger, holds her in its thrall. She misjudges; allows the corridor to widen, permits him to see her watching. For a brief moment, the portal opens on both sides. She sits stunned as he jabs the narrow pig sticker through the wavering fluid and into her left eye.

Now, when it is a seeing night, she seeks only the most remorseful; souls in need of comfort and caring, not the heart-pounding excitement of an outcome unknown. Now, when it is a seeing night, she sees with only one eye – the other forever clouded and dead to the world. Knowing better, she no longer reaches for the vials containing drops of venom. Having learned her lesson well, the wasps’ sting will forever be with her – but always more so on a seeing night.

© Copyright 2014 Nina D’Arcangela. All Rights Reserved.

Welcome to my April AtoZ Blog Challenge post! I hope you enjoyed my ramble, and come back for more! Don’t forget to visit the other bloggers participating by clicking on the badge to the right, or simply using this link. :}

‘Revealed’ #AtoZChallenge

Tears run in rivulets between the ashen layers – they carve their own landscape in the hardening cushion of falling powder. Fathers, mothers, small children, they reach for one another; some huddle close with barely a moment to spare, others remain a hands-width apart – all held fast in anguish as death sets upon them. This thriving valley swiftly transforms into a diorama of human terror and suffering.

Many years go by, a window into the past is unearthed; horrors the likes of which mankind has never seen before are revealed. A visage of haunting forms preserved in their final moments of agony – life pocketed in a cocoon of time; tragedy locked in the layers of its vice-like grip. Coincidence that this stroke of Mother Nature’s brush was encapsulated with such precision, or warning that another is coming?

© Copyright 2014 Nina D’Arcangela. All Rights Reserved.

Welcome to my April AtoZ Blog Challenge post! I hope you enjoyed my ramble, and come back for more! Don’t forget to visit the other bloggers participating by clicking on the badge to the right, or simply using this link. :}

‘Quartz’ #AtoZChallenge

Mines get hot as hell once you get down the bottom of the drift, but not near as suffocatin as further in where the vein’s runnin. It’s hard work, but good work if you can get it. They say a miner, he either got the nose for it or he don’t. And the one’s that do, well, they got themselves a job for life. Me, I got the nose. The crew I’m on, they follow where I say to go. I tell the crew boss I think the vein’s runnin over there in that direction, then that’s the direction we dig. Don’t fool yourself, there’s skill involved, plenty of it. Ain’t easy swingin a pick axe all day long. Quartz reef minin ain’t for everyone. Most men go bat-shit-crazy just thinkin ‘bout bein this far underground. Not me though, me and the crew I’m on, we climb in that bucket every day, head down here, do our job, and collect our pay; no bitchin, no fightin – no problems for the crew boss means no firin. You gotta trust these men to have your back, without that trust; too many of us never see the surface again. I ain’t planning to be one of ‘em. You think the corporation give a shit, they don’t. A man dies down here, the suits give his wife just barely enough to feed herself and her babies for a month, maybe less – it’s disgustin. But everybody wants to keep their job, so we don’t say nothin. The crew bosses, they’re alright though, they take up a small collection, then they make up the difference from their own pockets. They go ‘round every week or so, make sure everybody is healthy and eatin. It’s like a family, nobody talks ‘bout it, we just do it. I just hope it don’t pinch-out ‘for I do.

© Copyright 2014 Nina D’Arcangela. All Rights Reserved.

Welcome to my April AtoZ Blog Challenge post! I hope you enjoyed my ramble, and come back for more! Don’t forget to visit the other bloggers participating by clicking on the badge to the right, or simply using this link. :}